Thursday, March 26, 2009

Women in Art- a gifted transition

In honor of Women's History month, I offer this piece that I found on Youtube.
What a visual dance in the world of artists loving women. It's such a delight!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Start all over...Tracy Chapman

So spring is a time to start all over. We plant seeds. We plant bulbs...we plant life.
It's the time to start all over.
What do you want to start in your life?
What do you want to see bloom?
Now is the always is.

"Now" is always the time. Right now right here.
Think about your life and ask yourself, what do I want to "start all over"?

Spring is that time when we plant the seeds for a new beginning.
What seeds will you plant this season...

My last post might have been too ambiguous...but this one spells it out.

Plant the creative seeds you tend to harvest in the future.

I often find a seedling that has sprouted. This year it is a tiny "black-eyed susan" that I am nursing in my kitchen. Once again I find myself with this tiny little sprout that I hope will go on to be a mighty flower with seeds and all. Who knows...the weather will tell.
Anyway, Spring is upon us and we can make the garden of our dreams if we want to do so. I mean that literally. Emotionally, I think we walk each day with chances to start new seeds and chances to bury old ones that never flourished.
And after years of working on artwork, the fruits of my labor are starting to bloom.

This is a new season...a new time....a new beginning!
I love Tracy Chapman and relate to the little girl
who picks up the seeds and is making the mud pie sculpture.

Spring hugs,