Friday, August 20, 2010

Things I want to share....

I promised myself that I wouldn't go another month without posting here...and yet, I did. By the thought and theories of living in the present moment, I guess I could say, I made it in time. My feelings say something else.

So, I'm here again to ponder the term "fearless creativity".
In my own life, I acknowledge myself for showing up to a showing of my own work in Memphis. My friend, Lynn, opened her home to my art on her walls!

...AND a good time was had by all.... a night filled with incredible energy. Lynn brings that energy where ever she goes....and so does her home...and her dog.

Just showing up was filled with angst and concern...the kind that I really needed to squelch from the beginning. Why I felt those feelings (like nervous about reactions to my artwork)...AND why I feel the way I really difficult for me to explain.

As it is with all of us.
So....for today...I bring you Beth hart:
Someone who can put the feelings that she does into her artwork...AND then put it out there for all to see...well, I think she is fearless and very creative in a raw way.

Hopefully my next blog entry will have some of my work on it....that is my intention as soon as I figure out the photo transfer thing from my camera.
Light and Love, Josie